Monday, October 31, 2011

German Chocolate Cake with Coconut Pecan Frosting

Our church is having their fall festival tonight, and one of the things there is a cake walk. I decided to give it a go. A cake from scratch. Here is the recipe I decided to go with:
I LOVE German Chocolate Cake! I'm hoping someone at the cake walk will too! Maybe I'll just pick my cake, LOL!

Little did I know that the hardest part would be frosting the cake. I really thought the cakes were cool enough to frost, but the frosting kept running on the sides. I put the frosting in the freezer to see if that would help, and it didn't. Then, I watched this video:
 Then I decided to put the cake in the freezer for 5 minutes to see if that would help. I did this since my schedule is limited today, and my poor son needs my attention. Then I used the spatula to kind of hold the icing on the sides and that helped a bit. Here are the pictures of the cake I made:

Looks a little messy, but I was able to taste crumbs from the cake AND the icing; not sure how that happened ;) AND it tastes REALLY good!

I guess worse case scenario, I'll take the cake home : p

Friday, October 28, 2011

30 DBC: DAY 30 Hooray!

A Picture of Yourself + 3 good things that have happened to you in the past 30 days

Well, it's taken me more than 30 days to do this challenge, but it is now complete :D

1.) I got to see Chris Tomlin in concert LIVE (thanks to my mother-in-law who bought the tickets and to our cousin who watched J-man)

2.) We got to go to a fun Pumpkin Patch in Marble Falls

3.) I have been using my sister-in-law's really awesome camera while she is on her cruise and have taken some snazzy pics!
like this one ;)

HOORAY! I'm finished with this challenge. The next challenge I have coming up begins November 10th, 2011 (The 7in7). Hope you have enjoyed the 30 Day Blog Challenge!

Monday, October 24, 2011

30 DBC: Day 29

Something you could never get tired of doing

I could never get tired of holding my son as he sleeps. It is the sweetest thing in the world. Granted it's a bad habit too, because he likes it too, and then has a hard time sleeping in the crib.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

30 DBC: Day 28

Your favorite movie (that you've seen this year)

Since I already did a post about my favorite movie, "Once", I decided to do my favorite movie I've seen this year, and that is...

"The Help"

I loved, loved, LOVED this movie! I hear they stay pretty true to the book too.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

30 DBC: Day 27

A picture of you last year and now and how you have changed

last year

this year

My hair is longer (although I am desperate for a haircut SOON!)

The baby is bigger, more like a little boy

That's it really. I live an exciting life :D

Thursday, October 13, 2011

30 DBC: Day 26

A photo of somewhere you've been to

Colorado Springs, CO

Summer 2009

Best part of the trip: white water rafting...WOO HOO! :D

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

30DBC: Day 25

What's in your purse?

Well, I mostly carry a backpack/diaper bag, but I do carry a purse when I have "me time".
So, here's what's inside:

silver hoop earrings
journal I wrote my testimony in
blue pen
car charger for the phone
0.60 cents in change

That's it! I live an exciting life...  ;)

Friday, October 7, 2011

30 DBC: Day 24

A photo of something that means alot to you

The relationship my husband has with our son (and future children) is VERY important to me. Yesterday, he took J-man to Sam's with him just so he could spend time with him. Isn't he sweet?

I'm doing this!

So, I just totally signed up to do this last night:

I'm REALLY excited/nervous! This could be really awesome...or a HUGE disaster. I will be posting my songs on this blog for all of my followers to read. I think it will stretch me in my songwriting, which excites me, but I'm nervous that:

1.) all the songs will sound the same
2.) writer's block
3.) all of the songs end up being children's songs (because they're easy to write, words and melody)

so, wish me luck on this endeavor. Stay tuned, and be sure to check out my blog from November 10th-16th.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

30 DBC: Day 23

15 Facts About You

not so obvious stuff

1. I love to write songs and I also have a children's story written that I want to get published

2. I'm starting to get into the show Doctor Who (I started with the season where Matt Smith is the Doctor)

3. I LOVE to sing (I just wish I could sing awesome like Jamie Grace...check out her song "Hold Me")
4.  I love Chick-fil-a (I eat it almost once a week)

5.  I met my husband at a Starbucks with some of my friends

6. I LOVE the beach (Destin, FL) and the mountains (Colorado Springs, CO)

7. Chocolate is my weakness...especially Milky Way

8. 4,  8, 15, 16, 23, 42 = 108 :D I can be random sometimes

9. I like the trail mix with the M&M's in it...YUM! (I must be getting the munchies)

10. I have 4 older brothers and 11 nieces and nephews

11. I did some Shakespeare plays in the Summer while my middle brother was in high school and some while I was in high school (I was always just an extra)

12. My husband is a superhero (once he saved my engagement ring from the sink)

13. I have a dog named Bella (yes, I did name her after Twilight)

14. Only 42 Days til I go see the NEW Twilight movie (woot woot)

15. I like taking pictures, just trying to play around more with the camera and try new things to learn the knack for it

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

30 DBC: Day 22

A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

Dear Birds at the Zoo,

Y'all are CRAZY! I thought it would be cool for my 15-month old to see the birds really close...WRONG! Y'all were all flying around like CRAZY! Then you,

decided to land on my leg. Yes, MY leg! Then, it felt like you had scratched me! And I see this:

I thought I was bleeding. Then my son decided to reach for you, and you fussed at him and made him scared :(
Then your little friend,

started pecking at my foot, and it HURT! So, I told my son, "Let's go!" I will know the  next time I visit your zoo, to avoid y'all!


Jo's Momma