Friday, August 20, 2010

Getting out of the house!

So, yesterday, I needed to get out of the house. I was a little stir crazy. My husband happens to work a shorter shift at the coffee shop on Thursday's, 2-6 pm, so I packed the diaper bag, got dressed, and we went to South Austin. We left a little early so he could show me the NEW place, where he is going to open a coffee stand. It's REALLY nice, and I'm SUPER excited about it!!! Then his hours will be M-F 6 am- 4pm. After checking the place out, we then went to the current coffee shop, and Josiah and I just hung out there for the most part. I was even able to take Josiah to my old work place. They LOVED seeing Josiah, and I got to drink a decaf Wintermoon....YUM! Although next time, I'm getting the shake :) We ended the night with some Torchy's Tacos (Fried Avocado please) and then went to see one of the youth students do some martial arts stuff. I'm so glad Josiah and I were able to get out and about...I really needed it, and I think Josiah enjoyed the new scenery.


  1. Glad you were able to get out and about.

    I need to have Brian take me to see the new place! I'm so happy for y'all!!!

    I have yet to try Torchy's Tacos! So sad...

  2. Aw, I know exactly how you feel, I thought I was going to go crazy when we first brought Brodie home and since it was winter/flu season he had to stay at home all the time. I'm glad you were able to get out!
