Friday, February 3, 2012

Working the Shop

So, my husband and I started a coffee shop a little over a year ago. It's been fun/stressful being a business owner. The shop has grown though, business wise, which is good.

My husband is also a youth pastor at a church nearby, and the youth meet Wednesday nights. So, my husband asked if I would be willing to work the shop so he could prepare for Wednesday nights as he watches our son. Not sure how that will work out...

I worked a few times at the other shop while pregnant, and learned the basics, but was pretty confident with my knowledge.

I went into the shop with him Thursday morning, and my husband watched me make a drink, then told me everything I could do to make it better...which was ALOT. But, I caught on quickly.

The morning rush came and went, and so my husband left, since he had a meeting to go to. His parting words, "You've got this". Me: "Yeah" :)

My first customer walks up. I think, "I can do this! I think I can..."

Me: "What can I get for you today?"
Customer: "I'll have a Slap in the Face."
Me; (puzzling look)
luckily I knew this was a drink, or I may have been tempted to reach across that counter and give the customer EXACTLY what they ordered
Me: "This is my first day by myself. What's that?"
Customer: "It's 3 Sugar in the Raw, half and half and 2 shots of espresso"
Me: "Okay, got it."
So, I made the drink. Gave it to the customer.
Me: "Here's your Slap in the Face. I hope it's not too bad."

Overall, I think I did okay. My husband said no one complained about my drinks, but seemed nervous. 

My husband described to me that learning the coffee shop was like drinking out of a fire hydrant. I guess I know what he means now.

I think I will give it a whirl, working at the shop. Wednesday's only though( and after the rush), since I have another job 3 days/week and LOVE having Friday's off. If it doesn't work out, I'll just hang out with the kiddo some more. He's fun!

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