Thursday, November 10, 2011

7in7 Day 1

Save me from myself

When night falls
And all is quiet
Your whisper drifts
in the wind.
Finding the one 
who's crying out to You
and at their wits end

Please help me
Please save me from myself
I need You
to come through
And save me...from myself

The sunrise
Lights up her eyes
Your beauty is seen
all around.
As she runs
She says Your name
And this beautiful sound (chorus)

Touch their hand
Give them a chance
to let go
And touch their heart
that is the start
to letting it ALL go (chorus)

I was so excited because today's song came easy. Then I figured out the chords and stuff, but am having a hard time trying to record it. I could use the Sound Cloud App on my Iphone, but because the phone microphone is terrible for phone calls, I can only imagine what my song would sound like. I may go buy something to plug the piano into the computer, which will definitely help me. We'll see.  Time to rest! Night!

Here is the sound cloud recording I did 11-11-11 (WARNING: I'm not the best singer in the world, but hopefully you get the idea):
Save me from myself by BethBurns


  1. Please email me! I have a question about your blog! :)

  2. A beautiful song!!! You have a talent!!! Keep it up!!! This song had me in tears. It was like you were getting some of the feelings I am currently dealing with.

  3. I know what you mean Ambie. I definitely need help from myself, my desires and replace them with God's desires for me.
