Wednesday, September 1, 2010

8 Questions

The dazzlingly Amy over at Ha ha. Wait. What? has tagged me in the 8 Questions Game.

The Rules are simple:
Answer the 8 Questions
Tag 8 People
Come up with 8 new Questions

Amy's 8 Questions:

1. If you could change your name to anything-what would you change it to?

2. If your could watch only one movie for the rest of your life- what movie would you choose?
Princess Bride

3. If money were no object and you could move to anywhere in the world-where would you go?

4. What is your favorite animal and why?
Penguins because they're cute when they waddle and they can not fly :)

5. What is your dream job?
Child Life Specialist

6. If you were a bad guy- would you rather be interrogated by Jack Bauer or Jack Bristow?
Jack Bristow

7. If you could meet any celebrity (dead or alive)- who would you want to meet?
Johnny Depp

8. How do you pronounce the word crayon? Do you say cray-on or crown?
I say crown :)

I tag Amber, Kristi, Lisa, Rhonda, Brian, Christina, Carol and Ashlea

Here are your 8 Questions:

1. How many kids do you have/want?

2. What's your favorite candy?

3. What's your favorite meal you've made/ate?

4. What is your favorite household chore?

5. What's your favorite cartoon show?
6. What's your dream vehicle?
7. Choose one to live by: Mountains, beach, or country? Why?

8. If you had a super power, what would it be?


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