Friday, February 18, 2011

Attempted Walk with the Dogs

This morning turned out to be a cloudy, cool morning. So, I thought I would take J-man for a walk. I also thought I should let the dogs come with us. One is an 8-year old German Shepard/Golden Retriever mix. The other is a 2-year old Border Collie Mix. Usually, I wait until Brian is home so he can walk the dogs while I push the stroller. But, I thought they needed a  walk and I could probably handle it if I attach one leash to the other.

I was wrong...

We didn't even make it down the first street before I had to turn around and take the dogs home.

Here is what happened: The dogs LOVE to go on walks! They get a little hyper when we take them on one. Well, we were passing one of our neighbor's house, and you could hear their dogs barking. Well, the German Shepard kept wanting to go over there, even though you could not see them. I kept telling him, "NO!", but as usual...he NEVER listens to me. Plus he weighs probably 75 pounds. So, I'm trying to hold the leash and the stroller, and he keeps pulling us towards the barking dogs. I should have thought to let go of the stroller. I didn't. So, the stroller ended upside down and I was MAD! J-man was buckled in (YAY 5-point harness!) and he wasn't even crying. I was more freaked out then he was. So, then we turned around and took the dogs home. After they were back home and unleashed, J-man and I went back out for our walk. It was a little drizzly so we didn't make it to the park.

Next time I go for a walk with J-man, I may take the Border Collie mix with us because she is lighter (around 40 pounds) and listens to me better. But, I know the German Shepard would be really depressed if he was left I don't know. Or I could just wait until Brian gets home from work and we all go together! :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Website: White Walls

I LOVE looking at this website from time to time.

I have found several paintings I absolutely LOVE. Like this one:

and this one:

and this one:
and my ABSOLUTE favorite (for our future living room):

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Theology Thursday: Total Church

Our Community Group that my husband and I are a part of is currently reading the book "Total Church" by Tim Chester and Steve Timmis. I have only read half of it so far, but it is really good. I'm not good at summarizing books, but here is how describes it:

Two pastors outline and apply a pair of overarching biblical principles that call the current body of Christ to a deep restructuring of its life and mission.
"Church is not a meeting you attend or a place you enter," write pastors Tim Chester and Steve Timmis. "It's an identity that is ours in Christ. An identity that shapes the whole of life so that life and mission become 'total church.'" With that as their premise, they emphasize two overarching principles to govern the practice of church and mission: being gospel-centered and being community-centered. When these principles take precedence, say the authors, the truth of the Word is upheld, the mission of the gospel is carried out, and the priority of relationships is practiced in radical ways. The church becomes not just another commitment to juggle but a 24/7 lifestyle where programs, big events, and teaching from one person take a backseat to sharing lives, reaching out, and learning about God together.
In Total Church, Chester and Timmis first outline the biblical case for making gospel and community central and then apply this dual focus to evangelism, social involvement, church planting, world missions, discipleship, pastoral care, spirituality, theology, apologetics, youth and children's work. As this insightful book calls the body of Christ to rethink its perspective and practice of church, it charts a middle path between the emerging church movement and conservative evangelicalism that all believers will find helpful.

I really like how they remind us to be both gospel-centered and community-centered. Most of us tend to lean to one side of the spectrum. It also has reminded me that I am on mission 24/7, not just when our Community Group goes and does an outreach, but at home, at the grocery store, etc. I will finish the book by next Wednesday, but so far, very insightful.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tunes Tuesday: Future of Forestry

Another band I love, love, LOVE is Future of Forestry! All of their music is AWESOME! See for yourself:

It was really sad that they did their Christmas tour and came to Dallas, and we didn't get to go :(
Our little man was having stranger anxiety issues :(
Hopefully they will come back to Texas soon, because I hear they are better live! :)
(fingers crossed)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Fun Friday: Snow Day!!!

It snowed today!!! Here is a collage of J-man in his first snow! Thanks Christina for taking the pictures!

Oh, and J-man is 7 months today!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Theology Thursday: Genesis 28:15

The method I currently use to help me explore God's Word is called REAP. I learned this method from the Austin Stone Community church REAP is an acronym for Read Examine Apply Prayer. So, here is my REAP of Genesis 28:15, so you can get an idea of how it works:

R "What's more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. One day I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you." NLT

E God is talking to Jacob in a dream, assuring Jacob that He will be with him wherever he goes, and protect him, and will not leave him until He gives him everything He promised Jacob.

A God is with me wherever I go and will protect me. I can also know that He will not leave me until He is finished giving me everything He has promised me. This is my hope.

P God, Thank You for Your Word. Thank You, Lord, for being with me in this season. Thank You that You will not leave me until You have finished giving me all your promises. I pray that when You call us away from Round Rock, that we will trust Your Word. That You will protect us wherever we go. God, we want to know Your will for our lives. Help us through this season.

The Austin Stone also has a Bible reading plan on their website if you are interested. It's the one I currently use.I will write down all the verses that stick out to me, and then I choose one to REAP. Here is the link:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tunes Tuesday: JJ Heller "When I'm With You"

I bought this album for Christmas, and I absolutley LOVE it! EVERY song is amazing! I love her voice and the style of music. Here is the music video for the song "What Love Really Means". Check it out!